Join us in reaching our goal of $1 million.
We also welcome donations for Axis Health System in general

We believe Durango Integrated Healthcare will have significant, positive long-term impact on the health of this community. This consolidation and expansion project is the result of a 10-year strategic plan by the Axis Board of Directors. Our development staff have been active in securing grant funding and are now launching our first private donor campaign. Your generous capital donation will help Axis reach its campaign goal and play a pivotal part in improving healthcare access today and for our future.
Enterprise Zone
This project is eligible for Colorado Enterprise Zone Tax Credits for donations of $250+
- $12.6 Million 90%
- Axis Board Designated Capital Funding
- Cash Proceeds from Sale of Columbine Clinic
- Department of Local Affairs (DOLA)
- Gates Family Foundation
- El Pomar Foundation
- Other Local Support
- The Colorado Health Foundation
- Cash Proceeds from Sale of Administrative Office
- $400,000 3%
Other Grants
- $1 Million 7%
Giving Campaign

What The Local Healthcare Landscape is Today
Southwest Colorado
- Our region is a Designated Medically Underserved Area (MUA).
- Our region is also a Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) for medical, behavioral and oral health.
Axis Health System
- Our existing outpatient Durango clinic locations are at capacity, limiting our ability to expand our services.
- Our multiple locations are not efficient for patients and staff.
- Our comprehensive care model will be more effective in a single facility.
What We Plan To Do
The new Durango Integrated Healthcare campus will expand services, reduce barriers and streamline access.
How We Got Here
The Durango Integrated Healthcare Clinic consolidation and expansion project is the result of a 10-year strategic plan by our Axis Board of Directors.
We believe this project and expansion of healthcare resources and access will have a significant and long-lasting positive impact in the health and quality of life in the community.