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DUI Services

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DUI Program

Axis’ DUI Program is to reduce DUI/DWAI behavior and its consequences by using a personal treatment program to support all clients’ success and the journey on the path to their best life.

The courses are designed to educate and increase awareness of substance use among driving offenders. The DUI program helps clients identify practical solutions and get the help and support that they need.

Court-ordered and/or Department of Motor Vehicle clients who are working through a DUI may be required to comply with specific regulations to support the successful completion of the program.

What to Expect


All clients referred for DUI Services must complete an initial interview when they enroll. At this time, all aspects of the court order, DMV, and program requirements will be reviewed in detail.

Individualized Treatment

An individualized treatment plan will be established based on the interview. Then the client will be assigned to the appropriate sessions.


Group Sessions

Many DUI Services will be held in a group setting.
DUI Clients may attend one group session per week.



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To make a meaningful difference through healthcare innovation
and caring for the whole person.