After 21 years, Jason Schaeffer is retiring from the military and finds a new challenge as Axis Health System’s Director of Physical Operations. It felt like the wind blew Schaeffer down from Casper, Wyoming, after he left to be with his now wife, Karrah. 

june 24 2023 mcclure passHe looked up Axis Health System to see what available opportunities fit his experience and education. Another reason Schaeffer was interested in Axis was because of how Axis helps the community and his personal experience with friends and family struggling with mental health issues.

“I can contribute my skills behind the scenes to help keep the patient-facing side running smoothly,” and so far, it has been great, said Schaeffer.   

In his role, his job both touches and relies upon the work of everyone in the organization, he said. The organization has also always been supportive of his needs as a veteran, he said, and is really looking ahead to connect veterans to available services. “I appreciate that Axis is being proactive and diving into those programs to make sure that we can help out the best we can.” 

ramadi iraq 2009 2 e1691442555634Schaeffer joined the U.S. Army at the age of 19. “From 2007 until now, I’ve been in some sort of Army National Guard, part-time service,” he said. He earned a certificate in web design 10 years ago and completed his bachelor’s degree in leadership in 2020, followed by his master’s degree in business administration from Trident University International in 2022.

kids 2021 e1691442383165The skills and mindset he acquired in the military — especially his work with logistics and the deep camaraderie of his team — have served him well in the civilian world. “The good note is, you weren’t the only one going through it,” Schaeffer said. “Everyone else on your team, they’re all going through it.” It helped him develop strong bonds through the difficult times. “You get out of it what you put into it,” he added. And he feels the same about the people and the work he does at Axis. “Without everybody in Axis, I will not be successful.” 

axis health system